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The Reports tab consists of the table containing data on all services and their resource usage for a specified period. You can sort and filter the data by using the controls on the top of the table.

As the set of information available to every user the table contains various information about services in the columns:

  • Service Name- service title;
  • Project - project title (if the service is a part of a project);
  • Location - the physical location of the service;
  • Owner - the current service owner, displayed to admin and billing users;
  • CPU (counts) - the number of processor cores allocated to the service;
  • Memory (Fast/Medium/Slow, GiB) - amount of random access memory, in gigabytes;
  • Storage (GiB) - the amount of storage memory allocated to the service (divided according to the memory type), in gigabytes;
  • Backup Size (GiB) - the amount of storage memory allocated to reserved copies, in gigabytes;
  • Uptime (Hours, this month) - working time of the service within the given period, in hours;
  • Cost (this month) - the cost of service usage for the current month. This column is displayed to Billing users only.

To view the information on the service's VMs, press the plus icon next to the relevant service. The information is represented as a table in which columns are displayed the following data:

  • VM name - title of the virtual machine;
  • CPU (Count) - the number of processor cores allocated to the VM;
  • Memory (GiB) - the amount of random access memory, in gigabytes
  • Storage (GiB) - the amount of storage memory allocated to the VM (divided according to the memory type), in gigabytes;
  • Uptime (Hours, this month) - the working time of the VM within last month, in hours.

Report Export

The functionality of SCDC Compute enables the users to export the current information on the services presented in the table.

After pressing the buttons Export to PDF or Export to Excel in the upper left corner, the report is automatically generated and downloaded to the user's computer.